Joint Community Engagement Event – 2 May 2019

To inform future changes in the health and care system in the county, Connected Together CIC, Healthwatch Northamptonshire and Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership (NHCP), held a successful community engagement event with around 90 attendees.
Person writing at event

The event, at the Park Inn in Northampton on Thursday 2 May, gave local people the opportunity to share their views on health and care services and what can be done to ensure quality, integrated services that meet local needs and are fit for the future.

Host David Jones, Chair of Healthwatch Northamptonshire, began the day by introducing presentations from key local health and care leaders. They described how organisations are working in partnership towards a positive lifetime of health, wellbeing and care in our community, and explained why the NHS Long Term Plan must inform our planning at local level.

David Jones presenting

This led into a series of highly engaging and productive workshop sessions, where delegates discussed their experiences of local NHS and social care services and suggestions for ways they could be improved. These discussions were then developed into headline ‘big ideas’ on how we can be supported to choose well, stay well and live well in Northamptonshire. There was a particular focus through the day on supporting people to age well, on care at community level, on mental health and on long-term conditions.

All the information from the day will be used to inform the work of NHCP and Healthwatch Northamptonshire, including future engagement activity.

Feedback from the event was highly positive, referencing mostly the good organisation of the event, the outcomes of the discussions and the ability for attendees to network with both members of the public and other organisations.

“A very well run, facilitated and managed event.”

“A great use of time and some great discussions. A common agenda came out.”

“This is a worthwhile event which should be continued and signposted as best practice, particularly the importance of working with key partners and the general public.”