Young Healthwatch attend training on how to use the 15 Steps Challenge tool

This week we were pleased to run training about NHS England's 15 Step Challenge for young people from local Young Healthwatch's across the country.
young people at 15 steps training

25 young people from four different local Healthwatch took part and this is the first time that young people that volunteer for their local Healthwatch have been brought together in this way to share a training opportunity.

The 15 Steps Challenge is a tool from NHS England that can be used to look at patient experience in hospitals and other places by focussing on seeing care through a patient or carer’s eyes, and exploring their first impressions. The training on using this tool to visit places enables our young people to quality check health settings from a young person’s perspective.

The local Healthwatch attending then shared some of the work that they had been carrying out in their area. A young person attending said:

“The best part of the session was the in depth talk about what to expect at an enter and view”

“The best bit was getting to meet loads of new people that are also volunteering for Healthwatch”

“I felt really involved and usually I am quite shy but I flet comfortable”

Learn more about the 15 Steps Challenge