We want to know about experiences of mental health crisis services in Northamptonshire

We want to find out people’s experience of seeking help at a time of mental health crisis. We want to hear from people about what works and what could be better. The survey is for mental health care services for adults only.
Woman talking to member of the public

The survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete and will help us suggest improvements to those who commission and run mental health crisis services in Northamptonshire. It does not cover child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS).

Definition of mental health crisis

By mental health crisis we mean when you or someone you know feels unsafe, at risk or unable to cope without professional advice and support.

If you are currently experiencing a mental health crisis you can find out more information about support by visiting: https://www.nhft.nhs.uk/help
If you are a young person aged 13 or older, you can get information and support from https://www.nhft.nhs.uk/camhslive
If you are concerned about an immediate risk of harm, either to yourself or someone else please phone 999.

Take the survey