Watch our 2019-20 Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting was held virtually via Zoom on 29 October 2020 at 11am and was a success; streaming to viewers Live on YouTube

We had a successful 2020 Annual Meeting which was held via Zoom and streamed Live on YouTube. You can watch it here if you missed it:

Our Chair, Dr David N Jones, talked about our work from 2019-20, such as our working with Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership about the ‘Big Ideas’ for local implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan, our ‘Enter and view’ visits to local mental health services and our ‘15 Steps’ visits to hospitals and many more activities made possible by the hard work of our volunteers on projects that inform change and make a difference. We also shared our work plans for this year.

Our Healthwatch Project Manager and Young Healthwatch Lead, Esther Stimpson, also talked about Young Healthwatch and their annual report. We also had a video update from Imelda Redmond CBE, National Director of Healthwatch England, which you can also watch here.