A report on Healthwatch Northamptonshire’s public engagement campaign

Throughout October, November and December 2014, we ran our public engagement campaign, Make your Voice Count 2. Our aim is to engage with the community and gather your views and experiences.

This report is an overview of information we received over the three months we engaged with the community of Northamptonshire during our Make your Voice Count 2 campaign. It highlights the health and social care services used in the county, and how users rate their services. It also draws on personal experiences, both good and not so good and what the public would like Healthwatch Northamptonshire to take action on.

The most widely reported issue, similar to our 2013 Make your Voice Count report, is the availability of appointments at GP practices.

Whilst we received many positive comments on the care respondents received by individual GPs, getting an appointment was the top issue people want Healthwatch Northamptonshire to take action on. This encouraged us to research further in this area and carry out a specific survey within GP surgeries. Details of this can be found on our website.

Mental Health Services and care of elderly people were also frequently mentioned as a priority to take action on.

This feedback has shaped our plans for 2015/16 and we will be taking action on the 3 top priorities people want us to work on.

Read the full report

A report on Healthwatch Northamptonshire’s public engagement campaign – October 2014 – December 201

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