Tips and Tools to Help You Make a Complaint About Health Services

Some links and organisations for advice about how to make a complaint
Two people talking in a waiting room

Here’s practical help you can use to make a complaint, including flowcharts, helpful tips and sample letters.

This content applies to England

Dos and don'ts of making a complaint

Tactics to use, and others to avoid, when making a complaint about NHS services.

Checklist to help decide whether to complain

Checklist of things to think about, to help you decide whether it is worth making a complaint about a health service.

Letter of complaint about NHS

Template to help you write a letter, if you want to make a complaint about an NHS service.

Letter of complaint about NHS on behalf of someone else

Template to help you write a letter on behalf of someone else if they want to make a complaint about an NHS service.

Tips for writing a letter of complaint

Tips on the kind of information to include when writing a letter of complaint about an NHS or adult social care service.

NHS complaints process flowchart

Flowchart showing the process for making a complaint about an NHS service.