Our Environmental Policy

CTCIC recognises that under environmental legislation it has responsibility and accountability for its impacts on the environment created (both directly and indirectly) by our operations, services, and activities.

Responsibility for ensuring the provision and implementation of this Policy will rest with CTCIC's Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will ensure that the Board of Connected Together CIC agrees an Environmental Policy that:

• Directly relates to the environmental impacts of the organisation's activities, products, and services

• Considers the nature and magnitude of all such environmental impacts

• Considers the continual development cycle and standards outlined in the BS ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standards

• Commits CTCIC to take all reasonable steps to prevent pollution

• Commits the organisation to continually seek improvements

• Commits the organisation to compliance with applicable environmental legislation, regulations, and all other relevant requirements to which the organisation may subscribe CTCIC pledges itself and all personnel to:

• Reviewing policy and practice to ensure they include envisaged situations that may have an adverse impact on the environment.

Read the full Policy

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