Our ICT Acceptable Use policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all ICT equipment used by Connected Together CIC, (from hereinafter referred to as CTCIC) and all contracts it holds is used effectively, safely, and legally

CTCIC recognises that the internet and the use of email and other electronic communications tools are crucial to conducting its business in an efficient way and for supporting its values, such as advancing knowledge, developing potential, developing business, and promoting quality of life. However, the use of IT resources raises a number of legal issues including confidentiality, data protection, copyright and harassment. There are risks attached to using these resources, and staff have an obligation to comply with current legislation and to reduce these risks by using resources sensibly and appropriately.

This policy outlines the standards for acceptable use of ICT resources. It covers many aspects of computer usage, including use of the internet, email, social networking, and data security. It should be read alongside the Data Protection Policy and Information Sharing Policy and Procedure.

If something is not specifically covered in this policy, staff should seek advice from their manager.

Read the full Policy

ICT Acceptable Use

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