Our Volunteer and Expenses Policy

In carrying out Connected Together CIC’s (CTCIC’s) approved business and activities board members and volunteers could incur expenses. We want to be sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to take part in Connected Together.

CTCIC is funded by public money, and we are required to ensure that this money is disbursed in accordance with a policy and procedures aimed at fairness and good value for money. Travel and expenses account for a significant proportion of CTCIC’s running costs. It is important that claims for reimbursement of travel and expenses are subject to close scrutiny in order to determine that it was necessary to spend that money in order to carry out work for CTCIC and all its contracts and managed organisations.

What expenses will be paid?

Board members and volunteers will be reimbursed for reasonable travel and associated expenses incurred solely and exclusively in the performance of their duties. Expenditure should be kept to the minimum consistent with the effective performance of work on behalf of CTCIC. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) may refuse any claim that appears to be excessive.

All claims made for business travel and subsistence, other than mileage claims, must be for actual expenditure incurred and must be supported with original receipts. The subsistence rates given in page 5 of this policy are the normal maximum amounts that will be allowed. They should not be used as a flat rate without supporting receipts.

If you have any special requirements or are unsure whether you can make a claim this should be discussed with CTCIC’s CEO, the volunteer lead officer or project lead. You are required to discuss this before spending money.

CTCIC will still reimburse travel costs incurred when a meeting has been cancelled at short notice where the representative was not informed of the cancellation before travelling.

Read the full Policy

Volunteer Travel and Expenses

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