Our Health and Safety Policy

Connected Together (CTCIC) is committed to the health, safety and welfare of employees as defined in all current legislation and relevant codes of practice and guidance applicable to the services we provide.

Inherent in our commitment to our staff is the responsibility to develop, implement and maintain safe systems of work as a means of risk minimisation taking due regard for changes in technology and working methods. 

The CTCIC board has overall responsibility for Health and Safety. It is CTCIC’s duty as an employer to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable the health and safety and welfare at work of all employees, volunteers, subcontractors and visitors to any and all of its’ premises by:

• the provision and maintenance of equipment, safety devices (where appropriate) and systems of work to ensure that they are safe and without risk to health

• arrangements for ensuring there is safety and absence of risk to health and safety in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles or substances

• maintaining the workplace in such a condition so that it is safe and without risk to health including access to and exit points from it

• the provision and maintenance of a working environment for employees that is without risks to health and including the provision of adequate facilities and arrangements in this connection

• the provision of such information, training, instruction and supervision as is necessary to ensure health and safety at work of all employees.

Read the full Policy

Health and Safety

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