1. Advice and Information -

    We've pulled together a number of services for parents in need of support for their mental health. Read more to find out where you can go to get the help you need.
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    Pregnant women in Northamptonshire are being urged to have their free flu vaccination to help keep themselves and their unborn baby safe and well.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Read the advice and information from NHS England, Public Health England and Northamptonshire councils about the Coronavirus.
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    It can be hard to keep up with the constantly changing and evolving nature of guidance and help with coronavirus. Here are some links to different national organisations and their advice.
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    The links on this page are to help you find information about local services and updates relating to coronavirus all in one place.
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    Read about how coronavirus could affect you, your baby and your pregnancy care.
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    Influenza, commonly known as flu, is a highly infectious viral illness. For most healthy people, the seasonal flu is mostly unpleasant. However, those who are pregnant are at particular risk from the more serious effects of flu.
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    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the inspector and regulator for health and adult social care facilities in England.
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    VoiceAbility provide advocacy for people who need help to have their voice heard and to make complaints to health and social care services.
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    Visit the West Northamptonshire Council or North Northamptonshire Council (depending on your location) website to find all services they provide, including adult social care, children and families services, and safeguarding of children and adults.