1. Report -

    In March 2016, Healthwatch Northamptonshire asked 77 parents with infants or young children their views on the help and support they received during pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period.
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    In late 2016 Healthwatch Northamptonshire undertook a piece of work to find out more about the views and experiences of Northamptonshire’s homeless and vulnerably housed population, a seldom heard group.
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    Last year was another busy year for Healthwatch Northamptonshire! You can read all about it in our Annual Report 2016/17.
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    We asked people about their opinions and use of additional services at their local pharmacies, besides dispensing and disposal of medication and advice on treatment of minor conditions.
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    Healthwatch Northamptonshire wanted to seek the views of children and young people directly in a different and engaging way.
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    In October 2017, Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire held a relaunch to spread the message about Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire, what we do and to encourage more people to join.
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    Healthwatch Northamptonshire sought to find out the experiences of patients being discharged from the two general hospitals in Northamptonshire - Kettering General Hospital (KGH) and Northampton General Hospital (NGH).
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    In summer 2017, Healthwatch Northamptonshire worked with Nene NHS and NHS Corby Clinical Commissioning Groups to gather the views and experiences of parents that were currently using or had recently used maternity services in Northamptonshire.