1. Report -

    During September and October 2013, Healthwatch Northamptonshire ran a campaign called “Make Your Voice Count”.
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    Healthwatch Northamptonshire (HWN) was asked to provide the Care Quality Commission (CQC) with any information and intelligence we held about the experiences and views of people who have received care at Northampton General Hospital
  3. Advice and Information -

    Healthwatch Northamptonshire's information and signposting support is confidential and free. Below are some useful links or search our advice and information page for lots more articles.
  4. Advice and Information -

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the inspector and regulator for health and adult social care facilities in England.
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    Find Help with Debt, Benefits, Housing, Employment and other common issues.
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    The Accessibility Checker provides accessibility information for many venues in Northamptonshire.
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    A list of NICE's social and intermediate care guides
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    VoiceAbility provide advocacy for people who need help to have their voice heard and to make complaints to health and social care services.
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    Read all about our year!
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    We asked 173 people in the A&E waiting area at NGH about what other services they had tried to access before going to A&E and what their experience was
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    Working in partnership with the local NHS, we wanted to find out what patients and staff thought of current services and how they could be improved.
  12. Advice and Information -

    NHS dental care is usually very good and most people don’t have any problems. But occasionally things can go wrong. This page tells you where to start if you have a problem with an NHS dentist.
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    NHS care is usually very good and most people don’t have any problems. But occasionally things can go wrong. This page tells you more about how to raise concerns about health services that aren’t GPs, hospitals and dentists.
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    The care you receive in an NHS hospital is usually very good and most people don’t have any problems. But occasionally things can go wrong. This page tells you where to start when you want to sort out a problem with an NHS hospital.
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    If you’re unhappy about your treatment for a mental health problem, you may be able to make a complaint.
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    Healthwatch Northamptonshire has published a report on patient experience of Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (KGH)
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    There are new duties for local authorities, as well as changes to how care is charged for, who has to pay and how much people will have to pay towards their care.