1. Report -

    There are different ways in which you can become involved depending on your interests and how much time you would like to commit.
  2. Report -

    Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire were given a tour and were able to meet some of the staff and speak to some patients and their parents at Northampton General Hospital.
  3. Blog -

    Healthwatch Northamptonshire is the county's independent health and care champion. This short video explains in just one minute what our organisation is all about.
  4. News -

    Our November/December quick poll asked you about how you use libraries. Thank you to the 70 people who took part!
  5. Advice and Information -

    Crisis Cafés are an easily accessible service available in the evenings and/or at weekends for people who are finding themselves in a crisis or need support with their mental health.
  6. News -

    With the progress in health and care services, there are challenges which hospitals, GP and care services need to face.
  7. Response -

    Your questions regarding our “Out of Hours” quick poll have been answered!
  8. News -

    This is a massive achievement for all the inspirational young people involved with Healthwatch Northamptonshire
  9. News -

    Healthwatch Northamptonshire is the independent champion for health and social care in the county. After a robust recruitment process, Dr David N Jones has become the new Chair from April 2018 to June 2020.
  10. News -

    Healthwatch Northamptonshire has gained the Investing in Volunteers award, in recognition of how we support our volunteers to shape local health and social care services.
  11. Blog -

    How can you feel listened and involved in decisions about YOUR social care? Here are six things you should expect from care services, according to new guidelines.
  12. Report -

    When it comes to easy access to NHS dental care appointments, the majority of our respondents did not seem to have any issues.
  13. Report -

    Our vision: Healthwatch Northamptonshire will be a strong, resolute and independent community champion
  14. Advice and Information -

    The new guide published by NICE and SCIE explains what young people should expect from services and how to get the right support.
  15. Advice and Information -

    From 25 May, you’ll be able to make a choice about how the NHS uses your confidential patient information for reasons other than your care. 77% of the public say they are confident in the ability of the NHS to protect their patient data. Are you?
  16. Blog -

    Thanks to Sandra, NHS England is improving the way they communicate with people who are Deaf or hard of hearing.
  17. Report -

    Healthwatch Northamptonshire carried out a survey on behalf of the Armed Forces Covenant Northamptonshire to find out more about the health and social care needs of the Armed Forces community in Northamptonshire.
  18. Report -

    2017/18 has been an exciting year for us, albeit not without continuing financial challenges.
  19. Report -

    A group of young volunteers from Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire and Shooting Stars (a group for young people in Northamptonshire with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities) spent the day at the children’s areas at Kettering General Hospital.
  20. News -

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published its findings following a review of health and social care services in Northamptonshire.
  21. Report -

    Healthwatch Northamptonshire volunteers Sheila White and Wendy Patel visit the wards and departments at Kettering General Hospital to carry out '15 Step Challenge' audits.
  22. Report -

    Our June 2018 quick poll asked you about how you want to be involved in planning for your care as you get older.
  23. News -

    The annual meeting of Healthwatch Northamptonshire, held on Thursday 19 July, heard from Healthwatch Chair Dr David N Jones about the very serious situation facing the county council with grave implications for adult and children’s services.
  24. News -

    After reviewing over 170 entries, Healthwatch England has announced all of the finalists for the Healthwatch Network Awards 2018.
  25. News -

    Healthwatch Northamptonshire is pleased to hear that the Judicial Review brought against Corby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) by the residents of Corby has been upheld.
  26. Advice and Information -

    Healthwatch England has been working with the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman to develop a Single Complaints Statement for both professionals and the public
  27. Report -

    Healthwatch Northamptonshire talked to 12 families who had experience of the process of assessment for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the previous 12 months.
  28. Report -

    Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire had a busy year during 2017-18! Check out their mini Annual Report to find out more.
  29. News -

    The Chairs of Corby CCG and Healthwatch Northamptonshire and the Chief Executives have met to review the outcome of the recent Judicial Review of Corby Urgent Care Centre.
  30. Report -

    In July 2018, 15 young people completing the National Citizenship Service (NCS) scheme visited Elm Bank Care Home, in Kettering Northamptonshire.
  31. News -

    The NHS in Northamptonshire has taken an innovative approach to encourage local people to look after their health this winter to support the national campaign, Stay Well This Winter.
  32. News -

    We are very pleased to have been recognised at the Healthwatch England Conference Awards in Stratford upon Avon last week, attended by all 152 local Healthwatch!
  33. Advice and Information -

    NHS England has co-produced a free guide that provide older people with practical advice to support healthy caring.
  34. News -

    We would like to introduce you to the new Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire Chair - Tanzi Chaudhury
  35. Report -

    In the spring and summer of 2018, Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire gathered the views and experiences from young people across the county on mental health and wellbeing services.
  36. News -

    Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire took part in Takeover Day at Kettering General Hospital.
  37. Advice and Information -

    Want to spend more time outdoors? Or fancy a brush with art?
  38. Report -

    Download information about Healthwatch in different languages
  39. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
  40. News -

    Healthwatch Northamptonshire visited St Andrew’s Healthcare last week to meet with their CEO, Katie Fisher, senior managers and take a tour of some of the facilities and the grounds.
  41. News -

    Kettering General Hospital and Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire have been shortlisted for a national award for work they have undertaken with young people.
  42. Report -

    Healthwatch Northamptonshire identified sensory impairment as one of its priorities for work in the year April 2018 to March 2019. This short report provides a summary of our activity on sensory impairment issues during 2018.
  43. Advice and Information -

    People eligible for Blue Badges can apply in a fraction of the previous time, thanks to a new system in Northamptonshire.
  44. Advice and Information -

    NHS Corby Clinical Commissioning Group has successfully procured two new contracts - meaning Corby’s Urgent Care Centre (UCC) service will continue and a new service providing 1,000 extra GP related appointments a month will be on offer to patients.
  45. News -

    Kettering General Hospital and Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire have won a national award for work they have undertaken with young people.
  46. Advice and Information -

    People have told us they can have problems registering with a GP. This article explains more about your rights and what do to if you are refused the right to register.
  47. News -

    With growing pressure on the NHS – people living longer, more people living with long-term conditions, and lifestyle choices affecting people’s health – changes are needed to make sure everybody gets the support they need.